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Session Results

Session Results

Programs for kids between 3 and 5 years old in category "Arts"
Showing 1 - 15 of 403 matches
Feb 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Mar 28, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
May 16, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Jun 20, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Jul 11, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Aug 15, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Oct 3, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Nov 7, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Nov 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Dec 26, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Feb 28, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Apr 4, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Apr 18, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
May 23, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.
Jul 18, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 3 - 5
Do you have a pre-schooler that just loves to paint and read stories? Every Friday we'll read a story and paint a ceramic piece that goes with the story. We'll also have other crafts to do and a snack. $18 per child. The book or ceramic piece is subject to change due to supply issues.

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