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Camp Spartan – Aurora University

Camp Spartan

Sports Special needs student College Prep Music Nature Academic

Aurora University

Date/Time: Jun 22 - 28, 2025    
Ages: 16-18
Cost: $2,250.00

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Neurodiverse students who are rising high school juniors and seniors, and recent high school graduates can preview and prepare for the college experience this summer at Aurora University. Students will take non-credit courses taught by AU faculty, participate in social and recreational activities, learn to develop the executive functioning skills needed to succeed in college, and practice college-living skills by staying in an AU residence hall. The goal of the program is to build a bridge for students as they transition from high school to college. Camp Spartan is a camp experience designed and staffed by experts in the field of neurodiversity with consultation from neurodiverse individuals. All camp counselors and teacher assistants have received autism and neurodiversity training. The program includes: Integrated and inclusive environments with two elective course offerings; Course descriptions will be announced when camp applications open; A college preparation skills course that is focused on executive functioning and social skills; Social and recreational activities and outings with an emphasis on social skills, such as kayaking, karaoke, scavenger hunts, art activities, bowling, mini-golf, nature center visits, board games, videogame tournaments, and opportunities to meet AU faculty and staff; A celebration with families on the last day of camp.


Aurora University
347 S. Gladstone Ave.
Aurora, IL 60506


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