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Athletic Training Camp – Cedarville University

Athletic Training Camp

Scholarships available Sports College Prep Academic

Cedarville University

Date/Time: Jul 7 - 11, 2025    
Ages: 15-19
Cost: $480.00
Registration deadline: Jun 23, 2025

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At Athletic Training Camp, you will learn the basic concepts and the advanced techniques of the athletic training profession. You will be instructed in the skills of injury prevention, injury evaluation and diagnosis, rehabilitation, and functional injury progression. The concepts taught by our accredited program faculty in the classroom will be reinforced in the laboratory setting that very day. Campers will have the opportunity to complete numerous hands on skills and will be instructed on the most current techniques related to all forms of sports medicine and healthcare. Finally, camp participants have the opportunity to gain their CPR for the Professional Rescuer certification as part of our offerings on the final day. This track will take place on Friday morning and campers will pay an additional $30. NHMI will once again offer the Letendre Student Athletic Training Summer School Scholarship. This scholarship provides funds for students interested in careers in the sports medicine field of athletic training to attend a summer camp. The scholarship recipient(s) may select the camp s/he attends. The award will have a $750 cap. Scholarship application deadline is April 1, 2025. We're looking forward to providing this experience for another deserving student(s). Current year sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply. Complete information about the scholarship, including past recipients and application, is available at


Cedarville University
251 N. Main Street
Cedarville, OH 45314


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