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Challenger Family Workshop Series: Electric Machines – Challenger Learning Center - St. Louis

Challenger Family Workshop Series: Electric Machines

Academic Stem

Challenger Learning Center - St. Louis

Date/Time: Feb 15, 2025     9:00am - 11:00am
Ages: 6-8
Cost: $25.00

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The NEW Challenger Family Workshop Series allows children and their adults to learn together while doing exciting STEM projects. Spend a few hours on a Saturday with your favorite kids working together to create and explore! Harness the power of electricity to create circuits that light up and move. For Challenger Family Workshops, children and their adults pair up to explore technology and learn how to make new creations. 9:00-11:00 sessions are for younger families, with children ages 6-8. 12:00-3:00 sessions are for older families, with children ages 8-12. Older and younger sessions will do different activities following the same theme. Each $25 ticket is for one adult-child pair. Add-ons are available to bring an additional child for $10. Note: Due to eventbrite's limitations, all add-ons are listed for each date, but please only select the add-on date for which you are purchasing a ticket.


Challenger Learning Center St. Louis
205 Brotherton Lane
Ferguson, MO 63135


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